Sustainable Star Trek Theme Park to be Built by Jordanian King

It seems oil money can buy happiness! From
When envisioning theme parks many images come to mind. From an industry view point an emphasis is made on the structures, huge engineering feats that leave many wondering at their possibility. Whether fans of the noise, crowds and frivolity or otherwise, energy efficient is not stereotypically the first adjective that appear in relation to theme parks. 
Breaking tradition is King Abdullah of Jordan in his creation of the Red Sea Astrarium in the country’s port of Aqaba. The news has come to the delight of Star Trek fans (or “Trekkies”) as well as environmentalists, as the $1.5 billion theme park will be both Star Trek themed, as well as completely powered by alternative energy systems.
I...have no words. At least it proves that sustainability is so ingrained in our design culture that building something outrageous (like a Star Trek Theme Park in the desert) is only really going to happen if you spin it as 'sustainable'.

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