Shared Spaces

There are many initiatives out there that encourage riding as a mode of transport, such as a free breakfast before you jump on the road - an idea explored by the City of Maribyrnong as part of the National Ride to Work Day.

On the other side of the Maribyrnong River in Melbourne, on the edge of Victoria Harbour, you can order a free coffee (or should I say, a real coffee) while your bike is being serviced compliments of a local cycle store.

A cyclist haven

This initiative not only enhances the riding experience but also takes it a step further by asking an essential question: Shared spaces, what do you do to make them better for everyone?

As number of cyclists is increasing in Melbourne, the question of shared spaces must be taken seriously to allow both pedestrians and cyclists to coexist peaceful and safely. 

What do you do when using a shared space?

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